About TKD Scot
Taekwon-Do ITF is the art of physical, mental and moral training, practised by means of techniques used in combat but without weapons. It is used by practical applications in self-defence resulting in a beneficial method for peoples health. Those who practise Taekwon-Do ITF are committed to encourage and to promote it through TKDSCOT without any kind of discrimination (religious, racial, national, gender or ideological), adjusting at all times in its operation to democratic purposes according to the Tenets of Taekwon-Do ITF: courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self control and indomitable spirit.
The members of TKDSCOT, declared themselves as eternal students of the teachings of General Choi, are aware of his contribution and his dedication to Taekwon-Do and also to his organisation, and have the aim to honour him, his knowledge and his vision of this art.
Finally, the members of TKDSCOT must give their word to act as good citizens, integrated in a society whose principles are peace, liberty, justice, humanity and morality.
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